more than you'd ever need to know About THis COPYWRITER
1. I don't have a uvula. This means that food sometimes goes up my nose via my mouth. One time an entire Sweedish Fish came out my nose. Honest. Learn about uvulas here. Be grateful for your uvula.
2. Eating candy (Skittles, Starbursts, various candy bars, etc.) gives me "hot flashes." They make my head/face sweat.
3. I own a mounted jackalope. Should I produce offspring, this jackalope will be passed down to him or her. I would like them to continue the tradition of handing down the jackalope to the next generation, but I'm pretty sure the world will end by the time my grandchild should be getting a turn. All good things must come to an end, I guess.
4. I go by all iterations of the name Robert with the exception of Bob. Bob George just doesn't do it for me. It sounds more like a command; i.e. “Bob, George! Bob!”
The hardest part about allowing you into my digital realm is that my best work is yet to be created. It waits, somewhere, in the not too distant future. In the mean time, feel free to peruse at your leisure.